Why Should I Make an Audiobook Out Of My Kid’s Book?

You’ve written an amazing children’s book – whether it’s a picture book geared toward the very young, a chapter book for “older” young readers, or anything in between – and now you want to reach a wider audience and find more kids to enjoy your writing, while opening up new sales opportunities.

Obviously, having your book in print and ebook format are important.  Books should be available to be read, and that’s how readers are finding them these days.

But imaging being able to reach kids while their parents are busy?  While in the car running errands, cooking dinner, or working, now that so many of us are working from home.  Parents are looking for ways to keep their kids busy, engaged, enriched and entertained… without sitting them in front of another screen.

If you are able to present your book in audio format – as an audiobook, a youtube video, podcast or even on streaming services such as Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play or Amazon music – then you are opening yourself up to a whole new audience!

And with that, a whole new revenue stream.  Each of the above pays you any time someone listens to your story.  And if your story is engaging? Well, it’s easy to imagine multiple listens by a single listener.   Let’s be honest, the way kids latch on to things… A single child may listen to a story dozens of times, when they may never have picked up the book to read at all!

So, consider adapting your book to audio format.  It’s easier and more affordable than you might think.  We’d be happy to help you with the process, and help you decide the best paths to distribute your new audiobook.  We’d love to help, it’s what we do!

And if you need help with that, or want to talk about it further – just Contact us. We’d love to chat with you about your book!

Brad Grochowski, aka, TheVoiceOfBrad, is a voice over artist that specializes in narrating children’s books.  As the founder of KidsBookNaration.com, he has dedicated himself to working with independent authors, publishers and small presses, to bring their print and ebooks into audio format by educating them on the process of audiobook production, as well as offering his services as a professional narrator and producer.