How To distribute Your Children’s Audiobook, Intro

You’ve done all the work (or worked with someone like, so it was no work on your part at all!) and you’ve got your finished audiobook ready to go.  Congratulations!

Now, how do you get it out into the world?

Getting an audiobook, “out into the world,” is called, “distribution.”  It’s finding a way to distribute your book, so that interested listeners can find it, and hear it.

Over the next three blog posts, we’re going to talk about three different strategies.  The end-goal of each is different, as are the costs of getting set up, and the revenue each might generate for you.

The three strategies we are going to introduce are: 

  1. Free distribution via Soundcloud, Youtube, Facebook video and Instagram
  2. As an Audiobook via Audible
  3. Via streaming services, such as iTunes, Apple Music, Spotify, Google Play, and dozens of others.

So stay tuned, as we dig into these three options over the next three blog posts.

Brad Grochowski, aka, TheVoiceOfBrad, is a voice over artist that specializes in narrating children’s books. As the founder of, he has dedicated himself to working with independent authors, publishers and small presses, to bring their print and ebooks into audio format by educating them on the process of audiobook production, as well as offering his services as a professional narrator and producer.